What We Left in 2020

We left a lot of things back in March of 2020. Many adults left their jobs and children had to leave their schools. Some left their hopes and dreams back there when the world shut down due to COVID-19. 

But for some people, March 2020 was the start of something great. It was the slow down many people needed in their lives. For my family, March 2020 was the beginning of Jayden’s healing journey. Fast forward to today, March 3rd, 2021. This marks the last day Jayden had a seizure. The last time my heart dropped at the sight of my son seizing. The last time I got a phone call he’s had a seizure at school.

After 3 years of daily seizures, multiple hospital visits, dozens of tests, medication changes, and so many specialist appointments it has been almost surreal to watch Jayden live day to day without these obstacles. 

Doctors believe we have found the right medication combination. I do think that has played a part. We had been through 7 medications in 3 years. I had little faith in medicine at this point. Without the lifestyle change, I don’t believe he would have gone this long seizure-free. 

I look back at his busy schedule and I know it was a lot on any kid. We would leave the house at 6am every weekday and sometimes didn’t get back home until after 6pm. With work schedules, after school activities, doctors appointments, and everything else that comes with life we were moving at what felt like warp speed. 

Being stuck at home more, we have missed out on things like everyone else. We have had to weigh the pros and cons when it comes to Jayden’s health. As things in the world are slowly changing again, we have had to make decisions based on what is best to keep Jayden seizure-free. It hasn’t been an easy choice by any means. 

But today is proof that we have made some good choices. He is 1-year seizure-free. I never thought we would get here. We have so many people to thank for helping us along this healing journey. Jayden has been fortunate to have a wonderful support system throughout all of this. From family to teachers and doctors everyone has been important in making it this far. 

Here is to making it another year seizure-free. Jayden is soon entering teenage years that I am sure will throw me even more curveballs but let’s leave the seizures behind!

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