If It Snows, She Starts Cooking

When it begins to snow and the ground is mostly covered, I always find myself in the kitchen conjuring something up. I look through the cabinets to find something that will be warm and comforting. Most people like to bake but I want something that will fill a family up. 

I almost always land on chili. It is like a snow day staple in my house. I always have ingredients in the house to make some version of chili. When I cook it, it is never the same twice. But it is always delicious and hits the spot on a cold day. 

Then there are the baked goods. Making cookies and cakes for no reason other than the warmth of the oven. I typically Pinterest homemade recipes as I never have a store-bought mix on hand. Sometimes they end up being apple spice bread or zucchini bread but tasty all the same. 

And if I am really on a roll I will start food prepping for random lunches and dinners.

Cook the pasta for pasta salad so that it can cool in the fridge.

Browing ground beef for tacos later this week. 

Chopping veggies for sides and soups. 

I’m not sure why the snow compels me to cook. Maybe it’s just something to do while cooped up in the house. Or the warmth I feel from cooking delicious things over a warm stove. But one thing is for sure, I am thankful the next day because I don’t have to cook anything! 

Author: RachaelCyr

I’m a working momma of 3 boys just trying to make it in this age of Pinterest and social media mom competition. I believe in uplifting other mommas by sharing stories of successes and failures and by remembering you were someone before you were a mom 💕

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