The Cough Every Mom Knows

I heard it.

A sound from my son’s bedroom.

A familiar sound in the winter months.

The cough.

Every mom know that cough. The sound of a sickness brewing. The sound of a phone call from school or worse no school at all. The sound of missing work and sitting in a doctors office. The sound of over priced medication and fighting with an insurance company to pay for it.

That cough.

Having a kindergartner means TONS of germs all winter long. It’s only December and we are already on our 3rd illness in the house.

As a working parent I’m not going to shame other mothers for sending their mildly sick kids to school. We are all guilty of it. We have to keep a job to keep a house to keep food to keep children!

What a vicious cycle!

All we can do is wash hands, blow noses, use humidifiers and take medication and vitamins. I also use essential oils in a bath that helps soothe my sick boy. Each of us have at home remedies we use.

Do what you can mama. Just know when I hear the cough from your child in the grocery store, I feel like Katness from hunger games wishing you luck!

Author: RachaelCyr

I’m a working momma of 3 boys just trying to make it in this age of Pinterest and social media mom competition. I believe in uplifting other mommas by sharing stories of successes and failures and by remembering you were someone before you were a mom 💕

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