You Are What You Consume

I am sure you have heard the phrase “you are what you eat”

Well same concept applies to what you consume as far as energy. If you are surrounded by negative energy then it is reasonable to believe that you would feel negatively.

Your Media 

Do you feel anxious, angry, or sad most of the time? Take a look at what is around you. What are you watching on T.V.? What are you absorbing on social media? What type of people are you around? All of these things have an influence on your energy. Even something you perceive as good like watching Joanna Gaines decorate yet another beautiful home. If all that does is make you hate your house more, then stop watching it! Why continue to watch something that does nothing but make you feel worse? 

Does scrolling through your Instagram make you feel guilty that you have never run a full marathon like Julie from high school did this weekend? Then why are you following Julie? As Marie Kando says, if it doesn’t bring you joy LET IT GO. Unfollow those people that make you feel guilty and go follow people that make you feel motivated and envious.

Now I love a good crime documentary as much as the rest of you but if it is the only media I am consuming, then it is accurate to say I will feel pretty anxious most of the time?


Everything in moderation people. 

Your Circle

And speaking of people, what type of people are you around every day? Are they positive, happy and motivated people? Or do they complain every chance they get?  Chances are if you are not feeling happy and positive, no one in your circle is either. It is said like a million times by so many influencers that you are a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with? So who are you? Or better yet, who do you want to be?

If you want to see more good in the world, you need to find more good in the world. Find a more positive social circle, clear your social media of anything that doesn’t bring joy to your mind, watch shows that make you laugh more than cry.

There are some aspects of our lives that we cannot change with such swiftness. For example, a family member that always has something negative to say. You cannot change them but what you can do is change how you respond. If you feed into that behavior it will continue. If you allow them to complain to you or worse you join in then they will continue to act negatively. But if you set health boundaries around the behavior this will change how it affects you. If you don’t join in on the complaining then eventually they will stop coming to you with it.

“You are what you eat” is meant to apply to health and encourage healthy eating habits but today I’m using it to encourage you to create healthy mental and emotional habits. Strive to be the best version of you be surrounding yourself with the best versions of others. 

Author: RachaelCyr

I’m a working momma of 3 boys just trying to make it in this age of Pinterest and social media mom competition. I believe in uplifting other mommas by sharing stories of successes and failures and by remembering you were someone before you were a mom 💕

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